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[연구] Research

[IR-Anarchy and Cooperation] Bull, Hedley (1966) “Society and Anarchy in International Relations” Bull, Hedley (1966) “Society and Anarchy in International Relations,” in Butterfield, Herbert and Martin Wight, Diplomatic Investigations: Essays in the Theory of International Politics, Harvard University Press.Table of Contents(Whole Book) Preface 1. Why is there no International Theory? - M. Wight 2. Society and Anarchy in International Relations – H. Bull 3. The Grotian Conception of Interna.. 더보기
[Reading list] US as an Empire 미국과 로마제국, 대영제국을 비교:George Liska (1978) , Johns Hopkins University Press. 제국과 미국의 유사성을 비교한 것Michael W. Doyle (1986) , Cornell University Press. 현대 미국이 대영제국과 로마제국의 구조를 답습하고 있다는 지적Walter Russel Mead (1987) , Houghton Mifflin. 미국도 영국처럼 쇠락할 것이라고 지적한 책:Paul Kennedy (1987) , Random House. 더보기
[IR-Anarchy and Cooperation] Axelrod, Robert (1984) The Evolution of Cooperation Axelrod, Robert (1984) The Evolution of Cooperation 관련 유용. The Evolution of Cooperation: Revised Edition저자Axelrod, Robert 지음출판사Basic Books | 2006-12-04 출간카테고리과학/기술책소개Updated for the first time, the cla...글쓴이 평점 ü Axelrod, Robert (1984) The Evolution of Cooperation, chs. 2 & 9 Review:Axelrod’s experiment is a profound work in the application of game theory to political science, shedding new light.. 더보기
[IR-Power and Classical Realism] The Tragedy of Great Power Politics저자Mearsheimer, John J. 지음출판사W W Norton & Co Inc | 2003-01-01 출간카테고리인문/사회책소개A decade after the end of the Cold ...글쓴이 평점 Overview (Mearsheimer) Offensive Realism - Great Powers Behavior – Perpetual Rivalry Ø Main Cause: International System (Anarchy) (d. Hobbesian, Morgenthau’s classical realism) Ø Goal: Survival Ø Best Strategy: Maximization of Power at the exp.. 더보기
[IR-Theories Evidences Inferences] Kuhn, Thomas (1962) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions The Structure of Scientific Revolutions저자Kuhn, Thomas S. 지음출판사University of Chicago Press | 2012-04-27 출간카테고리인문/사회책소개A good book may have the power to c...글쓴이 평점 Kuhn, Thomas (1962) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The University of Chicago Press. Overview (Kuhn)Paradigm, a concept now so exhaustively used, is a key concept in understanding Kuhn’s illustration of scientific progress. A s.. 더보기
[IR-Theories Evidences Inferences] Fearon, James (1991) “Counterfactuals and Hypothesis Testing in Political Science” Fearon, James (1991) “Counterfactuals and Hypothesis Testing in Political Science,” World Politics, Vol. 43, January 1991, pp. 169-195.In making a causal claim, that C was the cause of event E, Fearon suggests here that there are two empirical strategies: by making 1) a counterfactual case (~ if it had not been the case that C (or not C), it would have been the case that E (or not E); or 2) a co.. 더보기
[IRTheories-Level of Analysis] Waltz, Kenneth N. (1954) Man, the State, and War: A Theoretical Analysis (INCOMPLETE) 박사논문이라... 하... Man, the State, and War저자Waltz, Kenneth N. 지음출판사Columbia University Press | 2001-01-01 출간카테고리인문/사회책소개-- American Political Science Revie...글쓴이 평점 Kenneth N. Waltz Man, the State, and War: A Theoretical Analysis New York, Columbia University Press, 1954 (1959 edition) RQ: Where are the major causes of war to be found?- 3 Levels: 1) “within man” (p. 12) – the first imag.. 더보기
[IRTheories-Level of Analysis] Jervis, Robert (1976) “Perceptions and the Level-of-Analysis Problem,” Perception and Misperception in International Politics저자Jervis, Robert, 지음출판사Princeton University Press | 1976-11-01 출간카테고리인문/사회책소개This book demonstrates that decisio...글쓴이 평점 Jervis, Robert (1976) “Perceptions and the Level-of-Analysis Problem,” ch. 1, in Perception and Misperception in International Politics, Princeton University Press. Overview (Jervis)Jervis’s renowned work Perception and Mi.. 더보기
[IRTheories-Level of Analysis] Wolfers, Arnold (1962) Discord and Collaboration Discord and Collaboration : Essays on International Politics저자Wolfers, Arnold 지음출판사Johns Hopkins | 1962-06-01 출간카테고리Discord and Collaboration : Essays on International Politics책소개-글쓴이 평점 Overview (Wolfers) The title itself, Discord and Collaboration, is a notable implication to Wolfers’ approach to international relations: Composed of two antonyms – discord and collaboration – the title implies .. 더보기