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[IR-Theories-요약] (SCRAP) Stephen M. Walt (1990) The Origins of Alliances - by Branislav L. Slantchev 스크램: http://www.gotterdammerung.org/books/reviews/o/origins-of-alliances.htmlThe Origins of Alliances Stephen M. Walt Cornell University Press, 1990; Pages: 321 Review © 2001 Branislav L. Slantchev Develops the balance of threat theory which, unlike traditional balance of power, claims that states do not balance against power, but against threats due to geographical proximity, power, and intenti.. 더보기
[IR-Power and Classical Realism] The Tragedy of Great Power Politics저자Mearsheimer, John J. 지음출판사W W Norton & Co Inc | 2003-01-01 출간카테고리인문/사회책소개A decade after the end of the Cold ...글쓴이 평점 Overview (Mearsheimer) Offensive Realism - Great Powers Behavior – Perpetual Rivalry Ø Main Cause: International System (Anarchy) (d. Hobbesian, Morgenthau’s classical realism) Ø Goal: Survival Ø Best Strategy: Maximization of Power at the exp.. 더보기
[IR-Theories Evidences Inferences] Kuhn, Thomas (1962) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions The Structure of Scientific Revolutions저자Kuhn, Thomas S. 지음출판사University of Chicago Press | 2012-04-27 출간카테고리인문/사회책소개A good book may have the power to c...글쓴이 평점 Kuhn, Thomas (1962) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The University of Chicago Press. Overview (Kuhn)Paradigm, a concept now so exhaustively used, is a key concept in understanding Kuhn’s illustration of scientific progress. A s.. 더보기
[IRTheories-Level of Analysis] Wolfers, Arnold (1962) Discord and Collaboration Discord and Collaboration : Essays on International Politics저자Wolfers, Arnold 지음출판사Johns Hopkins | 1962-06-01 출간카테고리Discord and Collaboration : Essays on International Politics책소개-글쓴이 평점 Overview (Wolfers) The title itself, Discord and Collaboration, is a notable implication to Wolfers’ approach to international relations: Composed of two antonyms – discord and collaboration – the title implies .. 더보기