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[미중관계-논문요약] “Fostering Stability or Creating a Monster? The Rise of China and U.S. Policy toward East Asia” - 토마스 J. 크리스텐슨(Thomas J. Christensen) [미중관계-논문요약 발제문]-2014.09.06 - 조비연T.J. Christensen (2006) “Fostering Stability of Creating a Monster? The Rise of China and U.S. Policy toward East Asia,” International Security, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 81-126. “Fostering Stability or Creating a Monster?The Rise of China and U.S. Policy toward East Asia”토마스 J. 크리스텐슨(Thomas J. Christensen) 1. 요약중국의 부상과 미국의 상대적 쇠퇴, 그리고 나머지 국가들의 부상(rise of the rest)으로 인한.. 더보기
IR Theories - 국제관계이론 관련 동영상 예전에 우연하게 유투브에서 찾은 영상들이다. 터키 이스탄불 Sabanci University에서 국제관계를 가르치고 있는 Meltem Müftüler-Baç 교수의 강의영상이다. 주로 슬라이드 없이 말로 쭉 강의하는 내용인데 참 많은 것을 쉽게 설명해서 참고자료로 좋다. Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 더보기
[IR-Neorealism and its Competitors] Institutional Liberalism Keohane, Robert (2012) “Twenty Years of Institutionalism Liberalism,” International Relations, Vol. 26, pp. 125-138. *A paper that clearly outlines the theoretical relevance of Realism on Institutional Liberalism Purpose of this paper: - to use Carr’s perspective in The Twenty Years’ Crisis to interrogate Institutional Liberalism - identify three trends (legalization, increasing legalism and mor.. 더보기
[IR-Neorealism and its Competitors] Neo-Marxist Approach on IR (Critical Theory of Hegemony) Cox, Robert (1981) “Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory,” Journal of International Studies, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 126-155. *Neo-Marxist Approach to IR (Bringing Gramsci’s theory on hegemony) - Realists-Marxists’s hegemony: domination by material capabilities - Gramsci’s: hegemony separated from the idea of domination. Material capabilities-ethical-politica.. 더보기
[IR-Anarchy and Cooperation] Bull, Hedley (1966) “Society and Anarchy in International Relations” Bull, Hedley (1966) “Society and Anarchy in International Relations,” in Butterfield, Herbert and Martin Wight, Diplomatic Investigations: Essays in the Theory of International Politics, Harvard University Press.Table of Contents(Whole Book) Preface 1. Why is there no International Theory? - M. Wight 2. Society and Anarchy in International Relations – H. Bull 3. The Grotian Conception of Interna.. 더보기
[IR-Anarchy and Cooperation] Axelrod, Robert (1984) The Evolution of Cooperation Axelrod, Robert (1984) The Evolution of Cooperation 관련 유용. The Evolution of Cooperation: Revised Edition저자Axelrod, Robert 지음출판사Basic Books | 2006-12-04 출간카테고리과학/기술책소개Updated for the first time, the cla...글쓴이 평점 ü Axelrod, Robert (1984) The Evolution of Cooperation, chs. 2 & 9 Review:Axelrod’s experiment is a profound work in the application of game theory to political science, shedding new light.. 더보기
[IR-Theories Evidences Inferences] Fearon, James (1991) “Counterfactuals and Hypothesis Testing in Political Science” Fearon, James (1991) “Counterfactuals and Hypothesis Testing in Political Science,” World Politics, Vol. 43, January 1991, pp. 169-195.In making a causal claim, that C was the cause of event E, Fearon suggests here that there are two empirical strategies: by making 1) a counterfactual case (~ if it had not been the case that C (or not C), it would have been the case that E (or not E); or 2) a co.. 더보기
[IRTheories-Level of Analysis] Waltz, Kenneth N. (1954) Man, the State, and War: A Theoretical Analysis (INCOMPLETE) 박사논문이라... 하... Man, the State, and War저자Waltz, Kenneth N. 지음출판사Columbia University Press | 2001-01-01 출간카테고리인문/사회책소개-- American Political Science Revie...글쓴이 평점 Kenneth N. Waltz Man, the State, and War: A Theoretical Analysis New York, Columbia University Press, 1954 (1959 edition) RQ: Where are the major causes of war to be found?- 3 Levels: 1) “within man” (p. 12) – the first imag.. 더보기
[IRTheories-Level of Analysis] Jervis, Robert (1976) “Perceptions and the Level-of-Analysis Problem,” Perception and Misperception in International Politics저자Jervis, Robert, 지음출판사Princeton University Press | 1976-11-01 출간카테고리인문/사회책소개This book demonstrates that decisio...글쓴이 평점 Jervis, Robert (1976) “Perceptions and the Level-of-Analysis Problem,” ch. 1, in Perception and Misperception in International Politics, Princeton University Press. Overview (Jervis)Jervis’s renowned work Perception and Mi.. 더보기
[IRTheories-Level of Analysis] Wolfers, Arnold (1962) Discord and Collaboration Discord and Collaboration : Essays on International Politics저자Wolfers, Arnold 지음출판사Johns Hopkins | 1962-06-01 출간카테고리Discord and Collaboration : Essays on International Politics책소개-글쓴이 평점 Overview (Wolfers) The title itself, Discord and Collaboration, is a notable implication to Wolfers’ approach to international relations: Composed of two antonyms – discord and collaboration – the title implies .. 더보기