[International Relations of the Asia-Pacific] "Japan Inc.'s remilitarization? A firm-centric analysis..." "Japan Inc.'s remilitarization? A firm-centric analysis on Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Japan's defense industry in the new-TPAE regime" Bee Yun JoInternational Relations of the Asia Pacific (2015), Oxford University Pressdoi: 10.1093/irap/lcv011First published online (Advance access): May 29, 2015일본 아베정부가 2014년 TPAE(Three Principles of the Arms Exports)를 새로운 원칙으로 수정한 이후 일본 방산기업들이 글로벌 무기시장에서 .. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ··· 99 다음